More Than Just Scanning

We are a digitizing service mainly in that we scan or digitize images, audio, video and documents. But we do so much more when clients get their creative juices flowing. Once photographs or other media are in the digital world anything is possible. Like the image below. We started with three small scratched and torn but beautiful early 20th century images supplied by the client. She wanted to combine these relatives into a single frame to tie them together. The tone of each photograph was different shades of sepia and black & white photography. We scanned and enlarged each image, restored the image a pristine look and tied them together by bringing the tone of each image into the same tint range. We combined the three images into a single file with a white background and printed them out on photographic paper at a size that fit an existing old frame. The client now has a showpiece rather than three small forgotten images in a shoe box. What treasures are waiting for you in your family’s photographic digital heritage?

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