Note From the Grumpy Tech Guy

Photographs were meant to be flat. Rubber bands can permanently cause your precious one-of-a-kind prints to bow or even crease. Handle with care. Deliver your photos to us free of rubber bands, staples (OMG), paper clips, scotch tape and sticky notes. The machinery doesn't like these extras and may be damaged.

Another lesson we have learned through past projects: sticky or damaged pictures should be put in their own envelope, ziplock bag or hazmat suit. This will warn us to scan these photos manually. 

If your photos were ordered as double prints, please only send us one set of prints. This will save us time and you some money.  Also, try not to package too many pictures in the same box or envelope. A good rule of thumb is groups of thirty or less per envelope.

If a photo is dirty, damaged or torn, handle with care and individually submit these in their own sleeve with written instruction if there is a need for that. Don't bury special needs among the masses.

If you can, submit horizontally shot prints separately from vertically shot prints.

And finally, we are all guilty at times of taking bad pictures (blurry, under and overexposed, heads cut off). Try and remove any of those mistakes before submitting your bulk order. You will save a few bucks and space on your computer with your new batch of digitized treasures.

Oh, I feel less grumpy now. Thanks.